Coaching Philosophy:
I competed primarily in Interp, and am a huge believer in doing speeches that have a deep meaning to you. We are given a precious 10 minutes to make our audience listen to what we say, and I believe it is our duty to do our very best to open up new thoughts and intriguing dialogues from our speeches. I will never force you into a style of interp. I believe the most revolutionary competitors are the ones who bring something new and never seen before to the table, and I love seeing a competitor’s personal style develop. I will dig into your heart and your drive for each and every piece you do and why you do it, so be prepared! I will help you develop a piece that ultimately YOU are proud of doing, and excited to show off.
Kimberly Lee
DI, Duo, Prose, Poetry, POI
Short Bio:
Hi! My name is Kim! I finished off my speech career in 2022 after 8 years of speech, competing in NJ for high school then for the lovely University of Texas at Austin, and now work in big law. I myself have worked with 3P Speech since my sophomore year of high school, and am ecstatic to be able to give back the knowledge I learned from such an astounding team! I know how difficult it is to find coaching as I myself came from an online coaching background so I’m here to make sure I can provide all I can for you to make this an easy experience. I’m a super silly girl who you can have fun with while still getting stuff done! During my high school career, I championed NSDA Nationals in DI, championed Yale 3x, championed NJ State Championships 3x, championed Glenbrooks, championed UK Tournament of Champions, championed Bronx, championed Princeton, was a 3-time Harvard finalist, and was a 2-time semi finalist at NSDAs. During my college career, I championed HFO, was a multi finalist and 3x runner up at AFA, and was a multi finalist at NFA and championed NFA as well. My speech career events consisted of POI, DI, Prose, Poetry, DUO, and CA. SO excited to work with y’all-- feel free to tell me all about your wackiest ideas!
Cutting/splicing programs: I love helping people find new lit for programs and have learned many different techniques for splicing together programs to create fluidity.
Blocking/tech: I am a fan of using body movement and language for expression because I believe it can enhance so much of what you’re saying, and even what you’re not saying. My head is always roadmapping a whole blocking sequence the moment I lay eyes on a script.
Vulnerability: I always say that the most memorable pieces are the ugliest. In our sessions, I want you to not be afraid of looking ugly while showing the passion you have for your pieces.
Character Development: I want to see LAYERS to a character, from their ticks, to the way they walk, to the way they remember things. I can help you do so through my own tips and tricks.
Piece Selection: I LOVE finding new pieces for people, and helping develop the cutting. I will always find the most obscure way to spin a script.